GSoC 2021 KMyMoney - Post First Evals to Week 7

The plan for the post first evals week was to complete the following tasks:

I modified the code as suggested by my mentors that were related to coding conventions(according to C++, Qt and KDE).

After adding the new members to the AlkOnlineQuoteSource constructor. I jumped into writing the unit tests. I realized that I haven’t added the new members in the function signature. After adding that, I build the files to check what all things break related to the constructor’s usage. They were :

My work can be found here : [Alkimia]( and [KMyMoney](

Learnings -

I got to know more about the importance of coding conventions and writing tests.

What’s next -

This week will revolve around implementing the libalkimia changes in kmymoney. I am also looking at this as suggested by Ralf.
If anyone wants to suggest something or have a discussion please reach out to me on suraj[dot]mahto49[at]gmail[dot]com or in matrix.