GCPP Community task

Building Better Urban Cities:

A Pathway for India in Better Urban Planning and Development

I had this really interesting task for my GCPP assignment with the Takshashila Institution. The goal? To gather around 10 folks for a community exercise on any topic. We chose something related to urban management. I roped in a mix of family and friends to join this virtual pow-wow.

Our group was a diverse bunch – ages ranged from 20 to 50, and we had everyone from software engineers to folks prepping for civil services. We wanted to tackle what makes cities tick – you know, the stuff like livability, tech integration, and infrastructure that makes urban life better. The discussion points being:

When we got down to the status quo , our discussions uncovered a laundry list of urban challenges. From overcrowding to water scarcity, messy urban planning, slum issues, and this rising class of urban dreamers, we had a laundry list of problems staring at us. Some discussion points were:

We also dived into stakeholder mapping. Exploring how different players influence city decisions was like piecing together a puzzle. stakeholder mapping

Our brainstorming sessions were fire! We talked about investing in infrastructure, fair real estate rules, education boosts, law enforcement, helping migrants settle, and making cities more eco-friendly. The discussion points were:

We voted to deep-dive into the topic of Real estate and Income inequality. It was intense but super insightful. We tossed around ideas like making housing more accessible, controlling rents, boosting wages, and fighting housing discrimination head-on with laws and education. The solutions discussed were:

This wasn’t just an assignment. It was a collective vision of making our cities way better. It taught me how to manage diverse ideas, and pivot to real solutions.